Saturday, October 22, 2011

I want to Tri

First Olympic Distance this summer~ July 2011

From the moment I registered my nerves worked overtime on this event. It was a long and drawn out 8 months of training and worrying. Ask me what I was worried about and I could have given you a list.
Ask me why I was truly worried...I had no idea.

I had done the distances, knew the course, had run the day through my head in every possible way I could. I was prepared.

The worry probably lay in the unknown.

I don't like not knowing.
Do any of us?
I'm not one for surprises, and a race like this could hold a few.

Here in this blog I want to TRI to conquer my fear of the unknown.
I want to battle the worry that plagues me when I TRI to venture out.

This life only comes around once.
I don't ever want to look back and wish I would have.
In the looking back- I don't want regrets.

I only want to TRI.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Dawn a great idea this blog. I have no doubt you will not be looking back in your life and having regrets for not fulfilling your goals. I have every confidence in your abilities. Good luck Dawn but you won't need it. B

Ransick said...

I get worried and stressed when I race too. Enough so that I have seriously considered quitting many times, then I use that word "quit" and I don't want to be a quitter.

You definitely can do a 70.3 if you want to. You have the drive, determination and physical ability. The question is if you want to commit that kind of time to training for a specific event and do you want to put up with the obsession. Training for my first 70.3 was mentally draining because I thought about it all the time. If I was training (or working) I was reading about triathlons, reading race reports, asking questions on BT. I was obsessed. The whole process was more enjoyable because a friend was doing the same race as his first 70.3 so we texted each other a ton sharing our experiences and fears. If you can find someone else doing the same race, the experience will be more enjoyable (or at least bearable).

Good Luck Dawn!